ChadSan in the Spotlight – Elva Nela

1. Why did you choose a career in accounting?
From a young age I have always enjoyed Maths. I’m skilled when it comes to numbers and problem solving, so I’ve always thought about a career in Accounting. It suits my skillset and is something that I really enjoy.
2. What is your favourite thing about working at ChadSan?
There are a lot of things that I love about working at ChadSan, but the main one I would say is the pleasant social environment. There is a lot of thought and investment put through by management to make sure that the workplace is enjoyable. Everyone fits in well with the company culture, and this has created a very positive vibe and great working environment.
3. If you weren’t an accountant, what would be?
I would probably be a maths tutor. I love helping my daughter with her maths homework and I get really excited whenever she asks for my help with a problem that she’s trying to solve!
4. What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?
I travel often with family and friends and have made lots of nice memories. My latest trip was in South Africa.