ChadSan in the Spotlight – Daniel Barnes

1) What attracted you to accounting?
I think its mainly because it gives me the opportunity to study towards a globally recognised qualification. There is also a satisfaction in seeing things fall into place because accounting is very logical.
2) What’s your favourite part of the job?
Client interaction! I can really see the difference I make to a client’s business which is very rewarding. I also love the trust that develops between the client and I. I really feel part of the team.
3) Do you have any hobbies?
Yes, I play the tuba in the Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra and in the Alton Brass Quintet.

4) What’s your favourite book?
That’s a hard question because I own over 700 books but I think it’s Company of Liars by Karen Maitland. I was gripped from the start by the plot twists and its incredibly well written.
5) What would you have been if not an accountant?
Definitely a career in music. Probably teaching and arranging music.
Bonus: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I love what I do so I see myself still being here and fully qualified!