ChadSan in the Spotlight – Jacquetta Jackson

1. Why did you choose a career in accounting?
I was always told at school to consider accounting due to my love of maths but, probably out of defiance, I began my career in event fundraising for charities instead. I organised some great events for some brilliant charities, but it dawned on me (and pointed out by colleagues) that I loved a spreadsheet. The inevitable got to me and I made the transition to train to become a chartered accountant soon after this epiphany. I have never looked back.
2. If you weren’t an accountant, what would you have been?
Most likely a vet because I adore animals. I had a sliding doors moment in life when I decided to train for the ACA. It was that or training to be a vet, but that seemed like a scarier move taking on more student debt, whereas I got paid to do the ACA!
I also wish I’d known more about engineering at school as I think that would have suited my academic interests too. So many options!
3. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge facing the accounting profession today?
Maybe not the biggest challenge but certainly a challenge that I feel is very important to get right is hiring and retaining talent. Accounting as a profession requires a lot of on-the-job training (as well as study) and therefore high employee turnover can lead to inefficiencies. The workplace is an ever-changing landscape with so much required to keep employees’ content, such as, offering great packages, a good company culture, attention to mental health, work-life balance, hybrid working, career progression, training opportunities and much more. Accountancy practices who get the offering right will be paid back with interest with the efficiencies and resulting culture gained from loyal and happy staff.
4. What advice do you have for your directors?
Following on from the question above, keep putting employee satisfaction as a priority.

5. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do outside of ChadSan?
Although I have plenty of interests, my life is dominated by my two small kids and their hobbies. I like to get outdoors as much as possible, so I run a tight ship making them go for walks, beach trips, family outings come rain or shine. I can’t wait until they are an age where I can teach them card games which I love to play.