Christmas Party Ideas For Your Remote Team

Looking for alternative Christmas party ideas? Look no further, we’ve rounded up a few of our favourite suggestions to help you celebrate with your staff if you’ve got a remote team.
Chocolate-making party: staff can collectively take part in a group activity having been sent ingredients in advance. This can be transferred to any crafty activity to do at home (gingerbread house making/wreath making/cake making etc.).
Virtual fancy dress party: with prizes for the best costumes. Set a theme, whether it be based on a TV series or a decade. You could run the party in tandem with a quiz from that decade (try music rounds or picture rounds to make it more interesting).
Virtual escape room: teams can search for hidden clues and work together to find their way out of the virtual room. Macmillan is running a virtual escape room that not only supplies you with the resources but also helps them to raise money at the same time.
Murder mystery: numerous apps are available to help your staff work as a team to solve a mystery. You can get props sent out in advance and costumes at the ready!
Afternoon tea: where all staff are supplied with a hamper and treats in advance. Allocate a time and then all log on at the same time to enjoy it. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for ideas and suppliers.
Karaoke: if your team is up for a bit of singing this can be a great way to get everyone in a festive mood.
Virtual meal: everyone orders their favourite takeaway, timed to arrive at the same time, and you can enjoy a virtual meal and drink together.
Online awards: each member of the team can receive their own accolade recognising their hard work. We’ve put together some free award certificate templates for you to customise here.
Charitable donations: collect staff opinion to see whether they want a Christmas party or would be happy instead for you to make a charitable donation on their behalf.
The gift of time: if budgets are tight and none of the ideas above work then giving staff time off is always a great idea.
Keep secret Santa going: there are lots of online sites to help such as Draw Names.