Poynts Works
1. What made you decide to be an entrepreneur?
Many architects desire the rite of passage that comes with starting their own architecture practice. For me, the stars seemed to align in a way that felt quite sudden in the moment, but in retrospect was probably a long time coming. Poynts Works focuses on architecture for communities of all sizes,

ranging from a family in their own home, to residents of an entire borough. The opportunity to practice design on my own terms was definitely part of the decision. I also believed that I would enjoy the process of running a business as well as practising architecture, and that I would be good at it – luckily these things have turned out to be true so far!
2. What advantages have you found in being a business owner?

Becoming a business owner is a great opportunity to broaden and learn new skills, and develop my knowledge of the wider context of the architectural profession. I am now a mentor for a scheme that encourages diversity in the built environment professions. Poynts Works undertakes collaborations with other architects and different professionals, and the ability to be able to curate the design and production of architecture is something I highly value and strive for.
3. Where do you see your business in 5 years’ time?
The scale and range of projects which the practice is working on is already evolving, and I’m excited to see where the practice will be in five years time.
I’m not a believer in “five year plans”, because I think it’s critical to focus on what you’re doing in the present moment and allowing things to grow and change without too much predetermination. But I always have specific aims for the practice, and I work on these as mini-projects in their own right.

4. What has being a business owner taught you?
All advice is always gratefully received, but I have learned to be more analytical about what’s the right thing for the practice at the right time. The relationship that the practice has with our clients is vital, because a great relationship leads to the realisation of great design. The sense of achievement and the confidence that I gain from Poynts Works is unexpected and brilliant.